My Story was grown from an experience at a 4 year university and continues to be successful in the campus environment 5 years later, even expanding to middle and high schools. My Story will bring the following value to your campus:
Sense of Belonging:Create a space where all students feel valued as individuals and as community members. Help them to understand how important they are to your school, giving them a sense of belonging.
Pathway to Mental Health Resources: Provide an approachable touchstone moment and an authentic pathway for students to connect with your organization's mental health services.
Galvanizing Community: Transform your student body into an activated and empowered group of changemakers while building your club's community or name recognition on campus.
Connecting Silos: Facilitate a space for siloed departments, competing groups, tense adversaries, or isolated populations to share a room and listen to each other. This simple model will have reverberating impacts beyond your imagination.